Sunday, September 11, 2011

Web 2.0

This week I investigated three types of presentation software to use for my organism project.  I looked at Pezzi, PowerPoint, and the presentation software from Google Docs.  All three had pros and cons to the software.

Pezzi was a user friendly online software that gave you the functuality to make the presentation completely yours.  The problem was that you had to have internet access to view the presentation.  It also was not completely free if you wanted to use the entire website.

PowerPoint is a very familiar product to myself and my students.  I have had several trainings and used this presentation software several times.  The problem is that you must either use a jump drive so that you can access it from other computers, or use the same computer to complete the presentation.

The presentation software from Google Docs gives you a mixture in functuality.  It allows you to complete the entire presentation online and access it from any computer with internet access.  It will also allow you to save it as a PowerPoint presentation and view it without internet access.  My school district has also given each student their own Google account and they have been using them for a few weeks. 

After looking at the pros and cons of each software I decided that Google Docs was the best choice for me.  It reinforces what my students are learning in computer class, and it gives me the flexibility that I need to complete my project.